Mūsu vietējā pārvaldes institūcija
Pārvaldnieki regulāri apmeklē skolu, lai tiktos un runātu ar bērniem un darbiniekiem. Mums skolā ir Pārvaldnieku diena katrā semestrī, kad viņi apmeklē stundas, rīko skolēnu diskusijas, veic darba pārbaudi un tiekas ar vecākiem un skolotājiem. Viņi arī apmeklē skolas pasākumus un sapulces. Tas ļauj viņiem redzēt, kā tiek īstenota skolas politika un plāni, kā tiek izmantoti resursi, kā arī apkopot informāciju un zināšanas par skolu.
Mūsu vadītāji ir daudzveidīga personu grupa, kas pārstāv vecākus, skolas personālu un vietējo kopienu, ar plašu prasmju un pieredzes klāstu. Viņiem visiem ir kopīgs mērķis palīdzēt skolai attīstīties un pilnveidoties un, to darot, nodrošināt saviem bērniem vislabāko iespējamo izglītību.
Visi vadītāji ir brīvprātīgie.
Vietējā pārvaldes padome tiekas vismaz reizi sasaukumā. Gubernatori apmeklē apmācību, kas tiek nodrošināta ārēji, kā arī apmeklē “iekšējās” LGB apmācības katru semestru. Mūsu priekšsēdētāja pienākumu izpildītāja Reičela Proktore regulāri tiekas arī ar citu Thrive skolu priekšsēdētājiem.
Gubernatora pienākumi
Skola izstrādā skolas attīstības ceļojumu (SDJ), kurā sīki izklāstītas galvenās prioritātes, kas jāuzlabo nākamajos trīs gados un kā tās tiks sasniegtas. Pārvaldnieki strādā kopā ar personālu, lai nodrošinātu šo galveno prioritāšu īstenošanu. Pārvaldnieki cieši sadarbojas ar darbiniekiem, izstrādājot “Trīs lielas idejas”, kas ir trīs galvenie uzlabošanas darba elementi, kas ir identificēti SDJ.
Mr Lee Morfitt
Role: Chair of Governors
Business Interests: Governor at The Hub School, Governor at Oakfield School
I have been a part of Stepney for around 16 years. Firstly, as parent whose three children attended the school then as a volunteer, followed by parent governor then finally Chair of Governors.
I have always had a special interest in SEN with having 2 children with disabilities. This has driven me to always try to make every child achieve their true potential through the continued hard work of the School and the Governing Body.
Miss Ruth Truelove BEM
Role: Vice-Chair of Governors
Business Interests: None
I joined St Stephen’s Shopping Centre in 2007 following a career with Nottingham University and Hull City Council and have been actively involved with Stepney Primary School for the past six years.
I initially started as a reading assistant through my involvement with Business in the Community which was also supported by St Stephen’s. In 2015 I became a co-opted governor and am very proud to be associated with this amazing school. It is a privilege to work with the teaching staff, pupils and other governors who are all so enthusiastic in providing the best education whilst making the pupil’s wellbeing the number one priority.
My interest in literacy and reading skills continues and I also like to support the children with after-school activities, school trips and other valuable initiatives such as the learning activities provided by the Hull & East Yorkshire Children’s University which I am also a trustee/volunteer.
Through my involvement in these various youth education and training initiatives, I gain satisfaction in helping to encourage our young people, inspiring them to believe in themselves and to create a positive future for all.
Mrs Kerry Freeman
Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None
I have over 21 years’ experience working within the Early Years and Educational field. I enhanced my Early year’s qualifications in 2008 by undertaking the National Professional Qualification in Centre Leadership (NPQICL) Level 7.
I am employed by Goodwin Development Trust (Charitable organisation) who are commissioned to deliver Early Help services that provide support for families with children 0-11 years, living in the Central, Beverley & Newland, Avenue, Bricknell and St Andrews & Docklands Wards.
I am also one of the nominated Childrens safeguarding leads for the organisation.
As the Early Help Manager for Fenchurch and Octagon Family Hubs. I became a Governor at Stepney Primary School to represent families and children in the area and develop a strong partnership with the school and community. I look forward to playing a part in supporting shape the school and hope my skills and knowledge will be a valuable asset to the parents /children and Governing body of Stepney Primary school.
Mrs Syeda Nudrat
Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None
I have been working in a Social Sector for 15 Years, since I had completed my Masters in Social Sciences. Besides my other jobs, I have alway been keen on the idea of social change by eliminating any kind of gender based discrimination and identifying the stereotypes which could badly affect our community. I strongly believe in the Children’s Right advocated through UNCRC (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child). As a Governor, I am interested to strengthen a Parent-Teacher partnership to achieve the desired outcomes which will lead our school to the outstanding level of education and children can develop themselves as high achievers within the community.
Dr Mamoon Bashir
Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None
Hello, I'm Dr Mamoon Bashir, and I am privileged to serve as a co-opted member of the Local Governing Body at Stepney Primary School. As an award-winning academic with a passion for education and research, I bring a diverse range of experiences to the governing
Currently, I hold the position of Graduate Research Director at Hull University Business
School. I have been involved in teaching and research for over a decade, both within the
United Kingdom and internationally.
My academic journey includes a Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management and Digitalisation from
Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia. I also earned an M.Sc. in International
Business Management from Aberystwyth University and a Post Graduate Certificate in
Academic Practices (PCAP) from the University of Hull. As a Fellow of Advance HE
(formerly Higher Education Academy, UK), I am committed to fostering excellence in
As a member of the Board of Governors at Stepney Primary School, I am committed to
contributing my knowledge, experience, and passion for education to support the school's
growth and success. It is an honour to be part of this esteemed institution, and I look forward
to playing a vital role in shaping a bright future for our students and the school community.
Lucy Saint
Role: Staff Governor
Business Interests: None
I am the Staff Governor. I have taught at Stepney for over 20 years and believe our school is a unique and special place of education. As a committed classroom teacher, I can utilise my experience to support the school as a Governor. I have a particular interest in Pupil and Staff Voice. The staff at Stepney go above and beyond to provide the children with the best education and experiences, and I am proud to represent them on our Governing Body. Pupil Voice has always been important at Stepney, and I am keen to continue to ensure that this is heard and shared.
Deborah Mcgregor
Role: Parent Governor
Business Interests: None
Richard Morah
Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None
A dedicated educator and mentor from Nigeria with over 6 years of experience in English language teaching and SEN support, and a passion for supporting the mental health and well-being of children. With a Bachelor's degree in English and Literature Education and currently completing a Master's degree in Education (TESOL) at the University of Hull, I have a strong academic foundation. My commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond the classroom, as I have taken on leadership roles as a volunteer in my local church, helping with personal and career development for teenagers. Currently, I'm working as a Teaching Assistant / Cover Supervisor. I am also volunteering with REFRESH as a mentor, supporting children in overcoming alcohol and drug abuse. My mission is to empower young people, especially those with special educational needs, to lead healthy, fulfilling lives and reach their full potential through education and support. In addition, I hold certificates in Substance Abuse, Drug and Alcohol Awareness, and Hidden Harm from the Hull Safeguarding Children's Partnership, and I am a member of the Teachers' Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN).