Healthy Eating
We are also linking our Healthy Lifestyle's Week with the national healthy eating week, which is from 11th – 15th June. Launched by the British Nutrition Foundation in 2013, the aim of the week is to promote healthy eating, being active, learning about where food comes from and cooking.
Healthy Lifestyles is based around five different themes, which are based around the ‘eatwell’ plate and Eight tips for healthy eating.
You can support your child’s learning by using some of the following top tips at home:
Food origins – where does food come from?
Discover where and how starchy foods grow, e.g. potatoes, wheat;
Investigate how milk is produced;
Discuss where different elements of their breakfast came from (e.g. an animal or a plant);
Visit a farm!
Healthy active lifestyles – The ‘eatwell’ plate, 5 A DAY, 8 tips for healthy eating:
Go for at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day;
Eat fresh, dried, frozen, canned and juiced varieties;
Be active for at least 60 minutes every day;
Monitor activity every day – sit less, move more!
Encourage children to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day;
Eat two portions of fish a week (one of which should be oily fish, e.g. salmon).
Food and drink choice – focus on what we choose and why!
Create an evening meal from a different country;
Try new foods – make an exotic fruit salad, a tasty dip or a pasta dish;
Look in your fridge/cupboard and discuss why you have chosen the different food and drinks.
Meal occasions – breakfast, lunch and dinner:
Eat breakfast every day;
List ten different foods which can be eaten as part of a healthy breakfast;
Have a school meal – find out what’s on offer;
Prepare a healthy packed lunch or picnic;
Design a healthy evening meal.
Food preparation and cooking – let’s all get cooking:
Investigate different ingredients and equipment – be safe and hygienic;
Get creative in the kitchen – try cooking a range of dishes;
To read more about Healthy Eating Week and download free resources, visit