This morning, our year 6 pupils gave another stunning performance of 'Oliver'. This was then followed by the traditional end of year 'Leavers' Assembly'. While Mr Morfitt presented Leavers' Certificates to each of our year 6 pupils, Mr Browning highlighted the individual talents and skills of each of them. The year 6 teachers, Mrs Brocklebank and Mrs Wilde then presented our six special school shields. The actual 'engraved' shields remain at school in our trophy cabinet but each pupil gets a souvenir shield to keep.
Taylor was awarded the Shepherdson Shield for Behaviour;
Cara, the Bradshaw Shield for Arts
Muna, the Smith Shield for Achievement
Deborah, the Playle Shield for Sports
Courtney, the Burhan Shield for Achievement
Ayanle, the John Leeman Shield for Personal Development
FInally, Isabelle was awarded the Foston Kindness Cup.
Many congratulations to all of these pupils