#IsolationIcons challenge 8 - Backwards Stair Jump!
Who can do 20 'Backwards Stair Jumps’ in the fastest time?
They've called this series 'Isolation Icons' and have designed all these simple activities to be suitable for any home/garden. Where equipment is mentioned they have tried to give other examples and alternatives to ensure all children can give it a go. Feel free to have a go yourself!
Click here to link to the website for parents and carers to view the attached document at home along with a demonstration video; https://www.hullactiveschools.org/isolation-icons
Video demonstration for primary children Challenge 1; https://youtu.be/4V2w8Cgy2dE
Twitter feed for the social interactions - @HullActiveSch
Their hope is to see students share their attempts and create an online community across Hull, all staying active and challenging themselves to complete this series.
An Isolation Icon 'champion' will be crowned each day, with different criteria being used to select the winner! Some examples below;
improvement of score
total score
innovation of equipment/space