Dear Parents/Carers,
I am writing this letter in conjunction with the open letter from Vicky Ford MP. Please click here to view this.
Firstly, I would like to thank you for supporting our school at this incredibly difficult time. It is challenging especially for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), their families and those who work to help them. At Stepney Primary School, we are committed to doing everything possible to support you during this difficult time. At this time, our priority is the needs of SEND children and their families, and safeguarding these vulnerable groups.
In order to support vulnerable children, the school will risk assess to establish the individual needs of each child with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan and those children on SEN support. This assessment will incorporate the views of the child (where appropriate) and their parents. From this risk assessment, a decision will be made as to whether the child should continue in school or whether their needs can be met at home safely. It is vital that as many children as possible remain at home during this time in order to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus.
At Stepney Primary School, we will aim to always fulfil our statutory duties to support pupils with SEND. However, as the Coronavirus Bill states, during these uncertain times it may be that we cannot always do this. At this time, there will also be a time delay on EHC plans getting processed.
Please keep looking at the webpages to keep up to date with any changes (see open letter for links). There is also a local support network: The Hull Helpline – 01482 300307 (7 days a week 9am-5pm) or alternatively register at
The focus for all of us is on managing the current situation and keeping vulnerable children safe and supported. We all have to do our bit and follow the guidance given by the government, staying at home wherever possible.
As always, if you need to get in touch with any queries or questions then please contact the school on
Stay safe and well,