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  • Writer's pictureHayley Jackson

New Booking-In Procedures for Parents

Booking In Procedures

These are the procedures for booking your child into school

Children of Key Workers

  • If you are a key worker and your child is already attending school, we will assume your child will attend again next week unless you call the school office to explain otherwise. You do not need to go online and fill out another booking-in form but please keep us informed by phone or email if you change your arrangements;

  • If you believe that you are a new key worker and need a Mon-Fri place please contact the school office. If you are a Key worker, your child may be able to start the following day.

Pupils in Reception, Years 1 and 6

  • If you are not a key worker but have a child in Reception, Year 1, or Year 6 we will assume that those who are attending this week (Mon-Thurs) will also attend next week. If your circumstances change, then please let us know

  • If you are a parent with a child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 who you now wish to attend (Mon-Thurs) please call the school office to request a place. For these pupils, they will have to start the next week.

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