Our school has been selected to be involved in a pilot NHS programme which will see mental health practitioners deliver support to our students, teachers and parents/carers.
The Mental Health Support Team can provide 1:1 low intensity sessions, group sessions for students as well as training for staff and parents and carers.
As this is a pilot, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), who are commissioning the service, are looking for parents and carers to get involved and give their views on how the service should look and work, to ensure they tailor it, wherever possible, to suit the needs of the children and young people in Hull. This includes giving your views on what support is required and how people would like to access the service.
You may have previously completed an online workbook which was the first stage of engagement around this service, and Hull CCG are now pleased to invite you to a virtual workshop where you can discuss your thoughts on the service moving forward. They would also like to invite parents and carers to remain involved in the continued development of the service moving forward.
Full details and sign up is available online here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/156514459963 or you can email Hullccg.schoollinks@nhs.net for more information.