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  • Writer's pictureHayley Jackson

On Friday, come dressed as a TT Rock Star or non-school uniform for NSPCC Number Day

At Stepney, our pupils love to learn their tables in fun ways, whether singing them or using the brilliant TT Rock Stars website. This allows them to beat their best times and challenge their friends’ best times.

We love dressing up at Stepney, so we thought what better way would it be to come dressed up as a Rock Star on Friday for the NSPCC's Number Day.

Remember: Rock Stars usually dress up in outlandish clothes so be inventive, creative and radical!

Tina Turner/Rod Stewart wigs and inflatable guitars/microphones are welcome as well.

Please pay £1 via ParentPay to come dressed up. All proceeds will go to the NSPCC.

NB We realise this is short notice so apologies for this. If getting a rock star costume together is too difficult, then non-school uniform will be equally good.

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